Community Living Algoma

Our Mission

Community Living Algoma supports people with intellectual disabilities. We are committed to the advancement of a community in which all people:

  • Are recognized as full citizens
  • Achieve personal dignity
  • Enjoy the benefits and responsibilities of independence
  • Are supported to reach their full potential

Our Vision

Join the Journey, All People Belong 

The following points provide additional perspective and understanding of the key themes within the Vision.

JOIN - This term represents togetherness, working together, joining in and the collective sense of responsibility and opportunity that all the stakeholders have in supporting people with intellectual disabilities. The community, parents, staff, other service providers and the people supported all join together in this purpose and vision.

THE JOURNEY - The road to achieving inclusion and the supports needed by those with intellectual disabilities is a journey. That is, the coming together of many different individuals and resources on a path that leads to inclusion, accepts diversity and is supportive. The journey started when many parents came together to support their children with intellectual disabilities, and continues today towards reaching the key goals and outcomes of the people supported.

ALL PEOPLE BELONG - This statement reflects a Vision that all people in a community belong to that community, are accepted, have the capacity to contribute and are full citizens. A healthy community is one that allows all of its members to belong, to participate and be full members.


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